Augmented reality covers a real environment with digital content with users only having to point their smartphones towards the object.
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Marker-based AR
Marker-based AR is also known as image recognition because it needs a visual object and camera for scanning. The typical example is printed QR codes. The augmented reality device is used to assess the position of the content for turning it into 3D models. For example, iGreet AR app recognizes the image and gives out information.
Markerless AR
Markerless AR is also known as location-based or position based AR. It uses GPS to give data on the user’s location. This type of AR is used for maps and directions and business information as well by using smartphones. Such apps are proving very useful for travelers.
Projection-based AR
The example of projection-based augmented reality is holograms. We have seen many sci-fi movies that make use of projection based AR. Projection-based AR directs the digital image on the physical object. It can be non-interactive. Let’s say, you want to buy a couch and you are not sure about the space where it will fit in the best. By using projection base AR, you can project the couch into your desired space to see the results.
In the coming years, many more types and variations of AR technology could come into the market and start impacting our lives. We are definitely looking forward to those advancements.