An old saying is ‘A picture says a thousand words’. Could not agree more, however, Microsoft Hololens would like to show it in 3D, because only then it will make more sense.
Google Daydream View, PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive Pro are among top VR headsets that caused a ripple effect in the tech industry. Why masses loved it?
Present age consumers are quickly grasping reality technology with the passage of time. To users, it offers plenty of applications for both infotainment and entertainment purposes.
Back in 2012, when Oculus VR, a division of Facebook initiated a Kickstarter campaign for oculus rift, it later became more than just an idea.
Google Cardboard, an inexpensive VR device intends to give you one of a kind experience. It has a massive fan following because it supports both iOS and Android.
Mixed Reality technology made 2D a thing of the past, and perfectly immersed digital reality with our real world. The line between these two realms became thin, and techies started to imagine a future beautiful beyond belief.
In the VR world, Oculus needs no introduction. Its main products Oculus Rift and Oculus Go became immensely popular among masses.
Asus mixed reality headset is the premium device that many people would love to get. The reason behind is the exhilarating fast performance that it delivers.
Samsung has always kept its game ahead when it comes to the latest innovations, especially reality technology. The company’s latest product, Samsung HMD Odyssey is a treat for gamers, but it itself is everything but a toy.